By Vivian Kane | Lists | January 4, 2015 |
By Vivian Kane | Lists | January 4, 2015 |
The last few weeks have been dominated by year-end Best Of lists. And did you think this would just STOP, now that the new year has begun? Fools! These lists are addictive and I refuse to stop making them. Sure, if we’re making best of 2015 lists, they might not be much material to pull from, but that can’t stop me! Let’s take a look back at the year/almost full week as we’ve seen it.
Best Movie: A Most Violent Year
Okay, it’s only showing in four theaters, but the only other real alternative for a movie released in 2015 is The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death. So we’ll go with the technicality here.
Best New Show: Galavant
So at the time of writing this, Galavant hasn’t actually premiered on the west coast, so I can’t say for sure that it’s good. In fact, everything I’ve read so far says it’s pretty boring. But there’s not really anything else to choose from yet, so let’s cover all our ground and also call it The Year’s Worst New Show as well.
Best Television Moment (Unscripted): Shirtless Terry Crews
Once the ball dropped on New Year’s Eve/Day, Tiny Terry removed his fabulous coat:
And treated us to this glory:
Runner up: Drunk Ken Marino
(Yes, this exact face was made in 2014, but that champagne glow doesn’t disappear at midnight.)
Best New Teaser Trailer: That Ant-Man One
Worst New Teaser Trailer: The Other Ant-Man One*
*Note: The above categories are 100% interchangeable.
Biggest Waste of Paul McCartney’s Time: That Kanye Collaboration
Technically, this single dropped just before midnight on December 31st in stupid 2014. But the promotion and reactions continued to waste his time well into 2015.
Stupidest Interview Pull Quote: Kaley Cuoco
Last year was full of stupid comments about not understanding feminism, but this year doesn’t have as much competition. So Cuoco’s public response to her own earlier stupid comment wins for this year. Cause you guys, if we were all her best friends, we would have understood what she meant in the first place.
Last Year’s Biggest Event That Everyone’s Already Forgotten About: The Interview
North Korea? Inside job? Free speech violation? We got a good 48 hours of outrage and controversy out of this one, and then 2015 hit and we’re all done caring apparently.
Runners up: Ferguson, Eric Garner, Gamer Gate, everything else that happened in 2014.
Best Hug: Chris Christie and the Bro-Hug Heard ‘Round the World (TM Courtney Enlow)