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The 5 Greatest Reactions to Being Body Swapped in Movie History

By Neil Miller | Lists | April 1, 2014 |

By Neil Miller | Lists | April 1, 2014 |

What is it about mornings that make them especially tough? For me, it’s the idea that I have to leave the warm cocoon of my bed. Over the course of the night, my body has meticulously, subconsciously curated just the right combination of chaos and fabric to create a perfect swaddling effect. And the rest of the room is cold, so I don’t want to leave.

Yes, mornings are tough. But how much worse would the average Tuesday morning be if you woke up as another person? Sure, waking up as Brad Pitt might be interesting, but that’s not how it goes and you know it. In the cruel twist of the body swap scenario, you’re more likely to get Rob Schneider than Angelina Jolie’s husband.

Naturally, you’re reaction to the situation might end up being a little extreme. Which brings us to our quest today, the reason we left our warm beds this morning, to identify the best reactions to being body swapped in the history of moving pictures…

5. The Change-Up


At this point based on their own bodies of work, it wouldn’t be bad to wake up as either Jason Bateman or Ryan Reynolds. But for the purposes of the plot of The Change-Up, this was a bad morning for both of them.

4. The Hot Chick


One is tempted to wonder whether or not The Hot Chick was the highest or lowest point of Rob Schneider’s career. It is perhaps both. One thing that is for sure, his work as an attractive young lady who wakes up one day as Rob Schneider just feels so authentic, as reactions to that kind of thing go.

3. Freaky Friday


So much screaming! Remember when Lindsay Lohan was such a promising up-and-coming star that she was allowed in the same room, let alone on the same screen, as Jamie Lee Curtis? Those were the days.

2. Big


It’s debatable as to whether or not Big is a true body “swap” movie, as it involves a boy waking up as his older self. Semantics aside, the scene where he first sees himself in the mirror as his elder self is a classic. Young Tom Hanks, you are looking good.

1. Face/Off


This one is Nicolas Cage as John Travolta as Nicolas Cage, reacting to the part where his face has been removed and given to the bad guy. The anger, the confusion, the utter disbelief in his own Nicolas Cage-ness, then the outburst of bee-less rage. This is the gold standard for reactions.

Neil Miller is the Publisher of Pajiba.