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The 5 Best and 5 Worst TV Characters To Work With: A Seriously 9-to-5 List

By Jodi Smith | Lists | May 27, 2015 |

By Jodi Smith | Lists | May 27, 2015 |

Working all day in an office really spurs some intense fantasizing about people you would prefer to have surrounding you for 9 hour days. It also makes you think about the people that would be even worse to have loud-talking about diuretics and the Constitution while you’re trying to get shit done. And that, dear SRL, is how you were born.

I’ve based this list on television characters that have jobs and have been on television in the past 7 years. Why 7 years? Because reasons, that’s why. LET US DO THIS THING!


1. Agent Peggy Carter - Agent Carter
She’s tough, competent, and smarter than anyone in your office right now.

2. Jim Halpert - The Office
This pick is purely sexual, you guys. Mmmmm, Halpert.

3. Foggy Nelson - Daredevil
He’s a lawyering machine, funny, adorable, and a sunshine spark in the dark landscape of Matt Murdock’s life.

4. Liz Lemon - 30 Rock
She’s neurotic and crazed, but she’s also brilliant, reliable, and hilarious. She also understands your food talks. Not when you talk about food, but when you talk to it.

5. Ron Fucking Swanson - Parks and Recreation
No explanation needed.


1. Sookie Stackhouse - True Blood
She’s always asking you to cover her shift and when she does come into work, someone is probably getting murderated big vampy-style.

2. Dr. John “J.D.” Dorian - Scrubs
Don’t get me wrong. I love J.D. and I love watching his shenanigans. I would not want to work with a grown man that daydreams and acts so immaturely though.

3. Ted Mosby - How I Met Your Mother
If Ted takes that goddamn long just to tell his kids how he met their mother, can you imagine trying to ask him where he wants to eat for lunch? How to use the printer? ANYTHING?

4. Dr. Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal
I really hope I don’t have to explain this to you.

5. Dexter Morgan - Dexter
He and Sookie hang out at the Most Deceased Co-Workers Due To My Poor Choices And Probably Also Unintentionally Poor Choices Club.