By Dustin Rowles | Lists | January 9, 2013 |
By Dustin Rowles | Lists | January 9, 2013 |
Emma Stone and Seth MacFarlane announced the Oscar nominations this morning, and while MacFarlane played up his douchiest qualities (seriously, why is Khaleesi dating him?) by announcing everything in “Family Guy” voices, it was more than tempered by the loveliness of Emma Stone.
What’s got me upset, however, is not MacFarlane’s three-tool display, but the criminal oversights by the Academy voters this year. I know that there was some confusion with electronic voting this year, but when there are 10 potential selections for Best Picture, there is absolutely no excuse for overlooking Looper. Come on! (At least it nabbed a nomination for Best Screenplay. Congrats Rian Johnson). In the same category, it’s not like we were actually expecting anyone to notice Ruby Sparks, but Safety Not Guaranteed should’ve slid in among those nomination. I guess the Academy hates time travel, or wonderful heart-warming performances and original ideas. But hey! Congratulations Zero Dark Thirty, Lincoln and Django Unchained, and bravo to the Academy for another predictable list of Best Picture nominees. And sorry Wachowskis: If it were up to me, I’d have given you a nomination, but these things are never up to me because if they were, every Oscar ceremony would be hosted by Neil Patrick Harris and the opening segment would feature Jenna Louise Coleman and Karen Gillan re-enacting all the good scenes from Black Swan.
Best Director was a crowded category this year, with Ben Affleck getting his first directing nom (and deservedly so) and Tarantino, Kathryn Bigelow, and Spielberg all locks, but I’d have still liked to have seen Wes Anderson get some recognition for a strong return to form in Moonrise Kingdom. Still, there was really only one wild-card slot left in that category, and it’s hard to argue with their choice (I forget. Was it Ang Lee, David O. Russell, or Tom Hooper?).
In the best actor category, it doesn’t even matter who is nominated because Daniel Day Lewis has gotten this one sewn up. It wasn’t a incredibly strong roster of choices this year, outside of Day Lewis and John Hawkes (in The Sessions). I guess I’m just more disappointed that Denzel was nominated for the terrible Flight, but I can’t be too mad atcha Academy; Denzel is kind of the male Meryl Streep these days: If he appears in a film, he gets a nomination.
Speaking of, Meryl, really Academy? Streep for Hope Springs? I know you love her, but that’s a reach, and it took up a slot for the far more deserving Helen Mirren, who gave a better performance in another film that no one cares about, Hitchcock. Good choice on Jessica Chastain (obviously), and you’re damn right about Quvenzhane Wallis and Jennifer Lawrence. I guess Brit Marling wasn’t eligible for Sound of My Voice? Was that officially last year’s film? I never know how these things work.
I’m also disappointed that, even after Matthew McConaughey decided to become the real actor we all knew he could be in 2012, he was overlooked not once, but twice in the supporting actor category, missing out in bids of recognition for his role in Magic Mike and an even better turn in Killer Joe. The win is going to be a toss-up between Alan Arkin in Argo and Tommy Lee Jones in Lincoln, but it would’ve be nice to see the Academy give some recognition to McConaughey. Is there a comeback player of a career category? I know it’s not really a Oscar-grab kind of flick, but Javier Bardem should’ve gotten some love in this category, as well, although with Christoph Waltz and Leo DiCaprio also in this category, as well, what are you gonna do?
There were four shoo-ins for Best Supporting Actresss — Sally Field, Helen Hunt, Amy Adams and the expected winner, Anne Hathaway — but I’d have preferred to see the fifth slot go to Maggie Smith who was wonderful in Best Exotic Marigold Hotel or even Samantha Barks for Les Mis, but I’m not too bummed about the choice of Judi Dench in Skyfall. The choice I’d have REALLY like to have seen, however, is Rebel Wilson for Pitch Perfect, but I’ve come to accept that that’s not how the Academy rolls.
In the best original screenplay category, I can’t really complain since the dark horse, Looper got a nod, but no offense to lovers of The Master (I’m still scratching my head over that film), I’d have much preferred to see the brilliant screenplay for Seven Psychopaths among the nominees. I am ultimately pretty happy with the adapted category, however, even if Perks of a Wallflower (which Amanda hated) made it into the category (I quite liked it, but then, I’m a sucker for coming of age films, manic pixie dream girls, and teenage malaise).
Finally, in the Best Animated film category, I don’t even care who might have gotten snubbed: As long as Wreck-It-Ralph got its nomination, and ultimately wins the category, I am completely content.
How about you? What were you most upset to see overlooked?