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lego movie snub.jpg

The 20 Most Egregious Snubs in Oscar History

By Rebecca Pahle | Lists | January 15, 2015 |

By Rebecca Pahle | Lists | January 15, 2015 |

In honor of Ye Olde Oscar Nomination Day, here are 20 instances where the Academy of Motion Pictures of Arts and Sciences found themselves on the wrong side of history, failing to recognize the timeless brilliance of some of our most enduring cinematic icons.

Audrey Hepburn, My Fair Lady


Some Like it Hot, Best Picture

some like it hot nobody's perfect.gif

Raul Julia, Street Fighter

raul julia street fighter.gif

Those Fucking Glasses, Man, Almost Famous


Mrs. George’s nipples, Mean Girls

amy poehler mean girls.gif

The Winter’s Tale flying rainbow horse

winter's tale horse.gif

Bette Midler, Hocus Pocus

bette midler hocus pocus.gif

Cap’s Under Armour shirt, Captain America: The Winter Soldier

cap on your left.gif

Gus Gus, Cinderella

gus gus.gif

Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Mortal Kombat

you soul is mine.gif

Jeff Goldblum, Jeff Goldblum’s existence

jeff goldblum pur.gif

Armand Assante, Judge Dredd

Armand Assante, Fatal Instinct

armand assante buffs a butt.gif

One-Eyed Willie, The Goonies

skeleton 5.gif

J.K. Simmons, Spider-Man


Willem Dafoe, The Boondock Saints


Oded Fehr, The Mummy

oded fehr the mummy.gif

Sorry, I need a minute… OK, let’s finish up.

Justin Timberlake, Inside Llewyn Davis

inside llewyn davis justin timberlake.gif

LEGO Batman

lego batman i hate this place.gif


Blade Runner, Best Picture

blade runner eye.gif

Remember, the Oscars are meaningless, don’t take it too serious. If that’s a possibility. I am genuinely upset about Selma (only Best Picture and Song noms) and The LEGO Movie (only Best Song—everything is NOT AWESOME).