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The 13 Most Enjoyably Weird Places You Can Encounter The Cast Of "Justified"

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | July 9, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | July 9, 2013 |

Walton Goggins — The Next Karate Kid: It’s weird enough to see multiple Oscar-winning actress Hilary Swank take up Daniel-San’s karategi, but a Walton Goggins (credited as Walt) who has yet to discover the full power of his coif? The mind reels.

Nick Searcy — Fried Green Tomatoes: When I discovered our beloved Art was portrayed by the same actor who played slimeheel Frank Bennett in Fried Green Tomatoes, I just about lost my mind. You remember ol’ Frank Bennett, don’t you? He threw a very pregnant Mary Louise Parker down the stairs? Secret’s in the sauce? Sure you do.

Kevin Rankin — “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”: When Kevin Rankin showed up in Season 1, we “Friday Night Lights” and “Lost” fans were already familiar with his work. But Kevin, of course, also appeared in a later episode of “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” as a member of Tara’s sh*tty family. Sure he’s overshadowed by the real WTF guest star in that episode, Amy Adams. But you have to give the Devil his due.

Neal McDonough — Star Trek: First Contact: So he wasn’t always a “baby headed” “albino deer”-looking psycho, but McDonough has always had those unmistakable peepers. Here he is wearing Federation maroon and grey in my (controversially) favorite Star Trek movie.

Joelle Carter — High Fidelity: I really wish Joelle Carter’s Penny Hardwick showed more of Ava’s signature spunk. Lord knows Rob Gordon, the Douche King of Chicago, had it coming.

Margo Martindale — The Rocketeer: It’s not all that weird to see Margo Martindale crop up in Disney’s WWII adventure flick. She looks right at home in the 1940s. But it is worth noting that she (and many other fine actors on this list) played bit and supporting parts for ages before their true talent was recognized. My favorite thing Martindale ever did was Alexander Payne’s heart-snatching vignette in Paris, je t’aime and it’s my fervent hope that she never gets relegated to the background again.

David Meunier — Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End: Oh you can try to dress it up with powder and a wig, but I’d know those pock marks anywhere.
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Raymond J. Barry — Cool Runnings: I rewatched this movie quite recently and it does not hold up at all. That being said, Barry is predictably delightful.

Jeremy Davies — “Melrose Place”: Before he captured your heart on “Lost” or made you feel uncomfortable about your mom in Spanking The Monkey, Davies showed up on this classic 90s soap. Unlike Goggins, it looks like good old Dickie Bennett always knew his hair was special.

Abby Miller — “Veronica Mars”: Yup! That’s poor rabbit-y Ellen May on “Veronica Mars.” She’s in one of the only rewatchable episodes of Season 3: the one with Paul Rudd.
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Erica Tazel — “Firefly”: Given the frequency with which y’all rewatch this series, I’m sure you Whedonites already made this connection.

Timothy Olyphant — The First Wives Club: Before he made the 1990s a little uncomfortably sexy in Go, Olyphant showed up in this Keaton/Midler/Hawn vehicle. Check out that fresh hoop.

Jacob Pitts — “Sex And The City”: He played a super Southern virgin college kid named Sam Jones and he boned, well, Sam Jones. The sex scene is possibly the most slapstick-y in the HBO show’s colorful history. It’s delightful.
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…I know you already knew this one…