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The 10 Most Neglected And Forgotten Film Crushes Of The 1990s

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | November 14, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | November 14, 2013 |

Some of the very best film boyfriends of 1990s cinema are still winning hearts. Cher’s brother/boyfriend from Clueless? He’s doing well for himself. That young kid who captured the fair Bianca in 10 Things I Hate About You? Oh he’s splendid. Thanks for asking. As is Leliana’s douchey love from Reality Bites. But these guys? Not so much. Ladies, ladies, ladies and gay dudes. You have to nurture your 90s boyfriend. You must tend to him. Or else, much like a Tamagotchi, your 90s movie boyfriend will wither and fade. For SHAME. I thought you cared. Here are the ten most neglected and forgotten film crushes of the 90s* that have faded into relative obscurity. We’re all to blame.

Dougray Scott

Ben Chaplin

Tom Everett Scott

John Hannah

Ethan Embry

Mathieu Kassovitz

Josh Lucas

Michael Vartan

Jeremy Northam

DB Sweeney

*Two of these film boyfriends** are technically from the very early aughts. Hold that against me and I will judge you most righteously.

**They’re all so, so white. F*ck you, ’90s rom-com diversity.