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The 10 Most Forgettable Movies of 2014

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | December 18, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | December 18, 2014 |

They came. They went. They weren’t good. They weren’t terrible. And now, when you see the movie poster, you can’t remember if you saw the movie or if it was just the trailer you saw or maybe it was a review you read, or maybe that was a different movie altogether. Don’t worry — those vague recollections will disappear completely by this time next year. There will be no residual memory. These 10 movies were the most completely forgettable of 2014.

If I Stay (Box-Office Gross: $50 million)


Into The Storm (Box-Office Gross: $47 million)


3 Days to Kill (Box-Office Gross: $30 million)


The Giver (Box-Office Gross: $45 million)


Get On Up (Box-Office Gross: $30 million)

Get On Up New Poster.jpg

Earth to Echo (Box-Office Gross: $38 million)


When the Game Stands Tall (Box-Office Gross: $30 million)


The Best of Me (Box-Office Gross: $26 million)


Addicted (Box-Office Gross: $17 million)


Endless Love (Box-Office Gross: $23 million)
