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The 10 Most Completely Forgettable Films of 2012: A Celebration of Mediocrity

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | December 18, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | December 18, 2012 |

As is our annual tradition (why? I have no idea), we like to commemorate the movies each year that are not otherwise commemorated. These 10 movies are not likely to show up on any year end lists as either the worst movie, the biggest bomb, or the best movie. These movies are the most likely not to be remembered in 2013. They came, they went, they disappeared from our memories, never to be name-checked again.

Let’s give a big round of applause to these, The 10 Most Completely Forgettable Films of 2012. I’d provide blurbs for each entry, but I don’t remember any of them enough to provide a blurb, even though I’ve literally seen every movie but one (Fun Size) on this list.

10. Wanderlust (except for this, the single funniest scene of 2012)


9. Fun Size


8. Seeking a Friend for the End of the World


7. The Lucky One


6. Chasing Mavericks


5. Man on a Ledge


4. People Like Us


3. Big Miracle


2. Premium Rush


1. Gone
