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The 10 Funniest Commercials of All Time

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | July 2, 2011 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | July 2, 2011 |

One of my favorite blogs is Adweek’s blog, AdFreak, which keeps us apprised of the weird and wacky in the advertising industry. They also love lists almost as much as we do, and their latest is the 10 Funniest Commercials of All Time. I encourage you go to go their website and check out all ten, along with their blurbs, which is why I’m only giving you the top five here, including my favorite commercial of all time in at number four. I’ll also note that I’d never seen number one, and I never thought I could laugh as hard at a kick to the junk.

5. Budweiser: Wassup?

4. Reebok: Terry Tate

3. Cadbury: Gorilla

2. Wendy’s: Where’s the Beef?

1. John West Salmon: Bear