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Ten Great Movies You’ll Never Watch Again

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | October 27, 2009 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | October 27, 2009 |

I decided today to revisit a comment diversion from earlier this year, and put together a list of the ten best movies that, based on reader opinion, you’re likely to never see again, not because they weren’t great movies, but because you don’t want to put yourself in that crawl-in-a-hole film experience again. I’ll concede, too, that this is the exact list I’d probably put together myself. Who needs to see these films again, anyway, what with so many scenes unfortunately burned into your memory banks, surfacing only in bad nightmares?

These are then 10 DVDs you may own, but that may never escape the shrink-wrap.

10. American History X

9. The Pianist

8. Sophie’s Choice

7. Hotel Rwanda

6. Boys Don’t Cry

5. Leaving Las Vegas

4. Dancer in the Dark

3. Schindler’s List

2. Irreversible

1. Requiem for a Dream