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Storm’s a-Brewing: 7 Hurricanes That Made Landfall on TV Shows

By Nadia Chaudhury | Lists | June 6, 2014 |

By Nadia Chaudhury | Lists | June 6, 2014 |

1. Hurricane Jasmine Forsythe in Louie
The big impending storm that Louie had been hinting at for awhile finally strikes New York after killing LeBron James and the rest of the Miami Heat, and putting Cuba underwater. It’s an oddly realistic depiction of what actually happened in New York during Hurricane Sandy, with the closed subway stations, gushing water through the streets, blinding winds, and evacuating lower Manhattan. It’s a shame Brooklyn didn’t become the new Atlantis, but whatever.

2. Hurricane Wanda in Broad City
Hurricane Wanda forces Abbi and Ilana into close, uncomfortable quarters with an assortment of the Broad City crowd, including an unseen roommate’s awful boyfriend, his sister, and the crush of Abbi’s life, Jeremy. Throw in a little shoe poop, Never Have I, rubbing your junk all over the roommate’s stuff, and an inappropriate dare, and you’ve got my regular night down pat.

3. The Storm of the Century in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
If Philadelphia was going to get wrecked by a storm, Paddy’s Pub might be the last place you’d want to hole up, but you’re not The Gang (thank god). They stock up on hatchets and pickled eggs, y’know, the necessities, for their depleted bunker, and get distracted by sexy news anchors, luring girls to hurricane parties, and the thrills of looting.

4. Hurricane Barbara in The Simpsons
Poor Ned Flanders’ faith is tested when his home is the only one wrecked in all of Springfield. He loses everything, including his sanity. But in the end, after the townspeople try (and fail) to build him a functioning new house and he gets sent to the loony bin, Ned learns an important lesson: he won’t store up his anger anymore — he’ll just run you down with his car.

5. Hurricane Irene in How I Met Your Mother
During the actual-storm Hurricane Irene, the How I Met bunch has to choose whether they want to ride out the storm in Barney’s apartment, or go to Ted’s house in Westchester. They do take advantage of the best part of the aftermath—playing in the puddles.

6. Hurricane Crossover in Family Guy, American Dad, & The Cleveland Show
The same hurricane got to all three of Seth MacFarlane’s animated shows. First, the hurricane HITS during a Brown/Tubbs family vacation where they argue over hoarding food in The Cleveland Show, then it forces the Griffins to hole up in the house playing games and Meg goes all-out crazy in Family Guy. Lastly, it floods Langley on American Dad…and then the sharks and bears come out. (It makes sense in context.)

7. Hurricane Laura in Dexter
The hurricane should’ve wiped everyone out on this show. Seriously.

Nadia Chaudhury once trekked to high school during a hurricane because school wasn’t canceled yet, which was an hour-and-a-half subway commute. Once she got to school, she realized it was closed.