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Special Favors Come in 31 Flavors: Five Things You May Not Have Heard About This Week

By Cindy Davis | Lists | July 1, 2012 |

By Cindy Davis | Lists | July 1, 2012 |

I find the Important Stuff so you don’t have to.

Happy Canada Day!

5. I’ll Take Famous People for $1000, Alex…


Beloved “Jeopardy” host, Alex Trebek suffered a heart attack, but thanks to his wife he’s doing fine. The 71 year old was doing chores around his home when he felt a squeezing pain he thought was just muscle strain. “(Jean) was very adamant (I seek treatment) and had tears in her eyes. I didn’t want to upset her more than I had already so I went - and she was right.” Trebek said his body cleared the blockage itself, so after a short hospital stay, he was released.

4. The Scientology Did It!


While you probably heard about The End of Romance, you may have been left wondering WHY? Is Tom gay? Too Controlling? Is it because his career overshadows everything? Not enough time together? Well, wonder no more; “Sources” say the Scientology did it. Katie has never been fully committed to Scientology, even though she has had ties with the church. We’re told the couple had been arguing over Suri — that she’s now of the age where Scientology becomes a significant part of her life. We say, good on you, Katie! Run as far from Xenu as you can get, and when you’re clear of the Thetans, can you please get together with Nicole and Mimi to write the tell-all of the century? (I do believe Paul Thomas Anderson may have some contributions to make as well.)

3. Alec Baldwin Got Married Again.


The actor wed Hilaria Thomas Saturday, at Manhattan’s St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral, in front of family and friends, including Tina Fey, Lorne Michaels, Jimmy Fallon and Baldwin’s recent director, Woody Allen. Let’s hope the benefits of this marriage (she’s a yoga instructor) include helping Alec learn to breathe deeply instead of letting his anger get the better of him.

2. Disney and Marvel Announced Joint Venture Big Hero 6.


Disney confirmed Big Hero 6, a Marvel comic about a group of superheroes who protect Japan, is in development as an animated feature. The characters are: “Sunfire, who can harness the power of solar energy to blast his enemies. Silver Samurai, a sword-swinging warrior with a history of tangling with Wolverine. Hiro, a 13-year-old boy genius. Honey Lemon, who can draw practically any object she needs from a mystical purse that’s a portal to another dimension. Baymax, a giant robot—created by Hiro—who can shapeshift into a dragon form. Go-Go Tomago, a woman in a high-tech, voice-controlled suit, who can propel herself through the air in an egg-shaped ball of energy.” The film is set to be directed by Don Hall (Winnie the Pooh) and a 2014 release.

1. Oscar Isaacs Signed on with Viggo Mortensen for The Two Faces of January.


While Viggo will first film the Eastern Promises sequel with David Cronenberg and Vincent Cassel, he’s also signed on to make another thriller: Hossein Amini’s The Two Faces of January. Amini has written the screenplays for Drive, Snow White and the Huntsman, Killshot, The Four Feathers and now, January. Now, Viggo has been joined by Oscar Isaacs (The Bourne Legacy, Drive, Revenge for Jolly, Sucker Punch) who, from the looks of his imdb page is as intent as Jeremy Renner to get himself noticed. The Two Faces of January is based on a novel by Patricia Highsmith (Strangers on a Train, The Talented Mr. Ripley) and follows a con artist “who accidentally kills a Greek police officer who was investigating him.” The con artist’s wife and an American student help cover up the murder and the group try to flee the country. Presumably, Viggo is the con artist; I mean, who wouldn’t help this guy


get rid of a dead body?

Cindy Davis is very busy with Viggo right this minute…