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Six Bucks and My Right Nut Says We're Not Landing in Chicago: Nineteen Reasons We Still Miss John Candy

By Cindy Davis | Lists | March 18, 2013 |

By Cindy Davis | Lists | March 18, 2013 |

Like an inexplicable little whisper in the back of my head, John Candy kept popping into my brain, so I went to take a look at how long it had been since he’d died. It’s been nineteen years this month (how can that be?) and still, we can’t shake him. Take a little stroll with me down Candy Lane.

1. He Was Always Happy to Help a Friend.

2. He Could Fix Most Anything.

3. He Did Great Impressions.

(Orson Welles)

(Alfred Hitchcock)

(Luciano Pavarotti)

(Julia Child)

4. He Wasn’t Afraid to Show His Dark Side.

5. He Was Musically Talented and Able to Leap Bad Accents in a Single Bound.

6. He Was His Own Best Friend…and Ours.

7. He Was Always up for a Challenge.

8. He Was Highly Skilled in the Martial Arts.

9. He Knew How to Talk to Kids.

10. He Stood up for Their Rights.

11. And Threw the Best Birthday Breakfast Ever.

12. He Had a Brilliant Serious Side.

13. He Was a Good Coach.

14. He Knew How to Have Fun on a Long Drive.

15. He Could Make Sense of Illogical Situations (For a While, Anyway).

16. And Could Make a Guy Feel Right at Home.

17. He Made Us Laugh and Cry.

18. He Was Funny in Any Language.

19. He May Not Have Been Born in the U.S.A., But He Loved Us Like the Redheaded Stepchildren We Are.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) is doin’ the mess around.