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10 Actors And Actresses You Probably Didn't Realize Have Their Own Production Company

By Jodi Smith | Lists | February 19, 2013 |

By Jodi Smith | Lists | February 19, 2013 |

Ice Cube, Cube Vision. Responsible for: Are We There Yet? and the countless sequels and television spin-off, Next Friday, Barbershop, and a few more.


Zac Efron, Ninjas Runnin’ Wild. Responsible for: nothing yet, but there are seven productions in development.


Johnny Depp, Infinitum Nihil. Responsible for: The Rum Diary, Hugo, Dark Shadows, The Lone Ranger, and several more.


Jessica Biel, Iron Ocean Films. Responsible for: The Tall Man and a couple more movies.


Nicolas Cage, Saturn Films. Responsible for: more than twenty films, including The Wicker Man, The Croods, National Treasure I, II, and III.


Jennifer Love Hewitt, Fedora Films. Responsible for: The Client List and a few more.


Charlize Theron, Denver and Delilah Productions. Responsible for: Monster, Young Adult and a few more.


Leonardo DiCaprio, Appian Way Productions. Responsible for: Orphan, The Aviator, Red Riding Hood, Shutter Island, more than ten other movies and twenty-seven projects in development.


Henry Winkler, Fair Dinkum Productions. Responsible for: “Beverly Hills, 90210” OG flavor and more than ten other television shows.


Danny DeVito, Jersey Films. Responsible for: Over twenty-five movies, including Reality Bites and Pulp Fiction, and the television show “Reno 911!”.
