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Fassbender Theron.jpg

Rock Out With Your Spandex-Clad Rack Out: How To Win WonderCon In 23 Easy Steps

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | March 20, 2012 |

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | March 20, 2012 |

For those of you who don’t know, this past weekend Anaheim played host to WonderCon. No, not ComicCon, you jocks, that’s the Summer Nerdfest. WonderCon is the comic book/geek culture convention that takes place every spring in the San Francisco Bay Area…at least…it used to. This year the Con moved down south which I find un-f*cking-fair on a very personal level because, as evidenced by the image above, your faithful Northern California reporter missed out on some primo stalking opportunities. Yup, that there is Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender acting out the Prometheus trailer for what must have been a delighted crowd. Completely, supremely, cosmically unfair. Much like you, gentle readers, I’ll just have to live vicariously through photos. You know, like I do with all the other neat-o crap Southern California gets to host. Those bastards get EVERYTHING. Ahem. Anyway, word on the street is that WonderCon will be returning to the slightly frosty bosom of the Bay Area next year, in which case I will try to follow as many of these rules as possible in order to win WonderCon in 2013. Everyone loves a winner.

Come In Costume
C Tates.jpg

Better Yet, A Group Costume

Hit The Gym

Be A Vivacious Nerd Icon
Felicia Day.jpg

Be A Bodacious Nerd Icon
Adrianne Curry .jpg

Sit Next To Charlize
Charlize and Fassbender.jpg

Stand Next To Charlize (K. Stew has never looked so charming.)
K Stew smile.gif

If At All Possible, Be Charlize (She said of her recent spat of villainous roles “Picasso had his blue period, this is my b*tch period.)
Picasso had his blue period, this is my bitch period.jpg

Somehow Find A Shorter Skirt Than Pond’s

Cuddle Up With Pacey…Because That’s Nice
Pacey and Shirley.jpg

Keep It Elementary

Or Go Flashy

Have Barely Anything Covering Your Power Girls
power girl boob hug.jpg

Have Even Less Covering Your Power Boys
Power Boy.jpg

Cross Dress
Super Ma'am and Power Boy.jpg

Super Ma'am.jpg

Lady Magneto.jpg



Mash-Up Unrelated Nerdverses
Ramona Nazgul.jpg

Pacey Duck 1.jpg

Start A Fight
Bat Ma'am Girl Gardner.jpg

Win A Fight

Encourage The Younger Generation
Wonder Dad.jpg

Mini Avengers.jpg

Tintin Awww.jpg