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redditor austindlight Creates Drawings of Movies Missing One Letter: 'Fight Cub', Anyone?

By Jodi Smith | Lists | November 3, 2014 |

By Jodi Smith | Lists | November 3, 2014 |

Don’t worry, everybody. This post has 97% less Dunham and bajingo pebbles than other articles today. You’re welcome.

A long time ago (about three years) in a place far away (reddit’s r/movies), a thread was started that asked for movie titles with a letter removed. The challenge was accepted and the thread grew to hundreds of movie titles, minus one letter, and the synopsis for that new flick. A redditor called austindlight took it upon himself to create one drawing per day in October, bringing these genius comments to life. You can find all 31 drawings here, but here are my five favorites.

Jurassic Par

“Two dinosaurs set out to prove they’re more than just killing machines. Thanks to a loophole in the rules they find a spot on the PGA tour and golf their way to the top of the food chain.”


Pretty In Ink

“The “gritty” 2014 remake of the 80s classic. It’s pretty much the same movie, just with more sick tattoos.”


Raining Day

“Ethan Hawke and Denzel Washington play two narcotics officers who play hookie and spend a rainy day inside playing board games and drinking cocoa.”


Ron Man

“A disgruntled government employee builds a robo suit in his garage to help him stop the government he works for from getting any more work done.”


Oh Bother, Where Art Thou?

“Convicted felon, Winnie, breaks out of jail with the help of his prison mates Tigger and Piglet, and set off on a cross-state journey to find his missing honey pot.”


Pick your favorite and let the artist know which you want on a t-shirt, if you like that sort of thing.