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Ranking the 11 Most Beautifully Gruesome Crime Scenes on NBC's "Hannibal" (NSFW)

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | June 13, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | June 13, 2013 |

NBC’s “Hannibal” is a lot of things, one of the best dramas on television, one of the most TV’s beautiful shows, and “a vicious gut punch counterpoint to the dozens of procedurals that try to top each other with the creativity of their serial killers.” But it’s also a meticulously pieced together work of art. The crime scenes in “Hannibal” are the most disturbing, amazing, and beautiful things you’ll ever see on TV, network or otherwise. They truly are a thing of disgusting beauty, and the screengrabs below won’t do them nearly the justice.

If you’re still holding out on “Hannibal,” and you need one more reason to check in, if you’re a fan of blood, “Hannibal” is without a doubt the show for you. Here’s a rough ranking of the most beautifully gruesome murders scenes in “Hannibal’s” first season, so far. I saw “rough,” because art, as you know, is subjective.

You can click on the pictures to enlarge, you sick bastards.

Episode 7: “Sorbet”

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Episode 1. “Apéritif”

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Episode 4: “Å’uf”

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Episode 6: “Entree”

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Episode 8: “Fromage”

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Episode 10: “Buffet Froid”

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Episode 11: “”Rôti”

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Episode 3: “Potage”

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Episode 9: “”Trou Normand”

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Episode 2: “Amuse-Bouche”

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Episode 5: “Coquilles”

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