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National Treasure Betty White Answers The Important Questions In Her reddit AMA

By Jodi Smith | Lists | April 29, 2014 |

By Jodi Smith | Lists | April 29, 2014 |

Betty White is 92 years old and still working full-time in the entertainment industry. Betty decided to stop by reddit to answer questions in celebration of the upcoming 100th episode of her TV Land show Hot In Cleveland. Luckily, she chose not to answer the questions like “What’s your favorite sexual position?” and “Can you post a picture of yourself to /gonewild?” and went with these instead.

What is a typical day in the life of Betty White?

A day in my life is up at 6:30am, usually either appointments or working at home before filming. I go to work and come home, catch up on mail, to bed about midnight.

Who do you think is the most famous person you have ever met?

President Obama, President Clinton, President Bush Sr., The Queen of England.

What’s your favourite memory from being on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson?

So many… being washed off the table during a flood scene. It was during a horrendous rainy season flood we were having here in LA. Johnny and I were sitting at a cafe table on stage and a ton of water came pouring out washing us off the stage! The producers said, pretend it washes you away. Pretend?! It was 500 gallons!

Did you ever meet Lucille Ball? If so what was she like?

Lucy was one of my dearest friends. Our mothers were both best friends. She was dynamite. Everything you saw was what you got. We used to play backgammon, and she used to teach me the game but she used to move the pieces so fast. I used to say how are you teaching me if you move the pieces so fast and she would say I want to win!


First of all, you’re my role model and always have been since I was 8 years old and used to run home to catch Golden Girls for 4pm. If you could relive one specific moment in life, what would it be?

Well at 92, that question gets pretty rough to answer. There have been so many special moments. One of the top ones was marrying Allen Ludden.
(Allen Ludden died from stomach cancer on June 9, 1981, in Los Angeles. They had no children together, though she is stepmother to his three children from his first marriage. White has not remarried since Ludden’s death. In an interview with Larry King, when asked whether or not she would remarry, she replied by saying “Once you’ve had the best, who needs the rest?”)

Loved Password as a kid, learned a lot. Do you have any interesting stories about the show?

I was rather fond of the man in the middle. Allen and I met on Password.


If they were making a Betty White biopic, who do you envision playing the role of Betty White?

I would love it if it were Meryl Streep or Julie Andrews but they would probably cast someone like Chris Rock.

What has been your fondest memory working with Bea, Rue, and Estelle on the show? Also, how did TV production differ then versus now?

Just being with all of the girls was wonderful. Rue and I had such a ball because we would play games when we weren’t on the show. We used to have riddles for each other between scenes and when the scene was over we would give each other the answer.

I know you love animals, can you tell us about any recent involvements with any particular group/organization?

I’ve worked with the Morris Animal Foundation for over 50 years. We’re an animal health organization working for dogs, cats, horses and zoo and wildlife. We have helped developed the feline leukemia vaccine, the parvovirus vaccine, and many more.
I’ve also worked with the Los Angeles Zoo for over 50 years, as well as many others. Our biggest fundraiser for the LA Zoo this year is Saturday June 14, the Beastly Ball.

How do you think show business has changed over the years?

I don’t think show business has changed as much as the audience has. When I started out moving images on television were a real rarity. Now the audience from the beginning has heard every joke, seen everything, knows exactly where every joke is going. It’s a hard audience to surprise.

What’s your favorite cocktail to order?

Vodka on the rocks with a big lemon squeeze.
