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Let’s Get Married: 8 of the Best Quickie Weddings on TV

By Nadia Chaudhury | Lists | September 12, 2014 |

By Nadia Chaudhury | Lists | September 12, 2014 |

Wedding are such pains to plan. There’s so much to think about: food, florals, guests, decorations, and the whole actually getting married part. These television couples had the right idea in mind: a quickie wedding in the country’s most debauched city, Las Vegas.

Zack Morris & Kelly Kapowski, Saved by the Bell
A fitting series finale after SO MUCH “will they, won’t they?” nonsense, the Bayside gang takes a road trip to Vegas and all of the expected hijinks ensue: jail, male escorts, losing money, robberies, y’know, the usual. But, hey, they finally got married!

Kimmy Gibler & Duane, Full House
When you get rejected from the college of your dreams, why NOT get married to your high school boyfriend? That’s Kimmy’s terrible life decision, complete with a horror movie-themed ceremony, until DJ and the Tanner family stop the ceremony.

Nancy Bartlett & Arnie Thomas, Roseanne & Dan Conner, Roseanne
A marriage and a wedding vow renewal, that’s what Vegas is for. Oh, and Wayne Newton.

Monica Gellar & Chandler Bing, Rachel Greene & Ross Geller, Friends
One successful, one failed. The Gellar/Bing’s were meant to have a big wedding somewhere nicer than Las Vegas, and the allure of gambling is just too strong a mistress). But drunken face doodles and dares—sure, why not?

Lily Aldrin & Marshall Erickson, How I Met Your Mother
Atlantic City is the Las Vegas of the Northeast, and it’s where Lily and Marshall decide to get hitched. When they learn how long it takes to get a license, the happy, but impant couple takes to the sea to get married by a ship captain. They wisely change their minds mid-way through the ceremony, but are still legally married, so they ask the captain for a take-back.

Nancy Botwin & Scott Peterson, Weeds
True love is marrying so that one spouse can’t arrest the other, and the other spouse can keep on dealing drugs.

J.D. & Random Porch Man, Scrubs
The best way to avoid your real-life problems, like getting your date pregnant, is to get wasted on the half-acre of land you own with the elderly gay men who tend to congregate and party there, and end up almost married to one of them in Vegas.

Michelle Simms & Hubbell Flowers, Bunheads
It happens off-screen, but it’s a well-intentioned man marrying the show girl of his dreams. On a related note, BRING BACK BUNHEADS.