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The Khaleesi May Be the Next Sarah Connor, and You'll Never Guess Who Zack Snyder Wants to Play Nightwing

By Cindy Davis | Lists | November 10, 2013 |

By Cindy Davis | Lists | November 10, 2013 |

Five Important Things you may not have heard about this week…

5. The Walking Dead’s New Showrunner Said What We All Felt: “I’m Sick of the Governor.”


Nothing against David Morrissey (who, by the by will read Morrissey’s autobiography audiobook), but Season 3 was overrun by the Governor and his dastardly antics—by “Welcome to the Tombs” we’d had more than enough. So even though you may have been half wondering when he’s going to pop up again, you’re probably thankful writer/new showrunner Scott Gimple’s first instinct was to put the Governor on hiatus (for a while). Creator and executive producer, Robert Kirkman hinted the über villain will be changed after stewing all this time; “… Just when you think things are getting to a breaking point, that’s when the Governor layer will be thrown in to make things that much more deadly and dangerous.”

4. Peter Berg’s Second Lone Survivor Trailer Reminded Us War is Indeed Hell.

Based on Marcus Luttrell’s account (Lutrell was also involved in the filming) of Operation Red Wings, a 2005 Navy Seal mission conducted by four solders in Afghanistan. Mark Wahlberg plays Luttrel; he’s joined by Ben Foster, Emile Hirsch and Taylor Kitsch, and Eric Bana takes on the role of the team’s ground commander. Knowing the outcome doesn’t make things any less harrowing, and early reviews are quite good. Check out the film in limited theaters December 27th and wide release, January 14th, 2014.

3. A New Oldboy (*grumble*) Clip Spelled.It.All.Out.

See, this right here is what we’ve all been worried about—the dumbing down, the over-explaining, the loss of nuance. I’m not even going to say anything else; you just watch it for yourself. *more grumbling*

2. Adam Driver Became the Frontrunner to Play Nightwing in Batman vs. Superman.


Zack Snyder is having himself quite a time, isn’t he? The Wrap is reporting Girls star, Adam Driver fits the “young John Hawkes” bill to play Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing aka Robin (there are two other actors “in the mix,” but Driver is apparently first choice). So much for our JGL hopes…but at the same time—hey, I kinda like this idea; Driver is a compelling actor. I mean, as much as we’ve all been bitching about Batfleck and trying to figure out if Wonder Woman will show up, we’re still going to see it…right? Right?

1. Emilia Clarke, Brie Larson and Margot Robbie are in the Running to Play Sarah Connor.


Alan Taylor (Thor: The Dark World, Game of Thrones) is wasting no time getting things moving on his next film—the Terminator reboot; Schwarzenegger already has his return booked. Clarke, Larson and Robbie (The Wolf of Wall Street) are the first three actresses who’ll read for the coveted Sarah Connor role, and word on the street is the director wants Tom Hardy to play John. I guess that means my ideas are out the window? DILLAHUNT, DILLAHUNT, DILLAHUNT.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) will never stop being obsessed with Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.