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I Wouldn't Mind The Probing: The 20 Sexiest Aliens Of Film And Television

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | October 25, 2011 |

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | October 25, 2011 |

I’ve caught some flak around here recently for criticizing Scarlett Johansson. To be honest, folks, I didn’t mean to pick on her. But between boning JGL, appearing in the queerest ad I’ve seen in awhile and having David Fincher liken her to a sexy E.T., well, the lady had a busy week. But, no, you’re right. She’s a beautiful woman and a middling actress and not at all worthy of the full Pajiba shun. In fact, speaking of sexy E.T.s, the first set images have been released of Johansson’s upcoming film Under The Skin. In it, Johansson plays “an alien on earth, disguised as the perfect aesthetic form of a mesmerizing woman. She scours remote highways and desolate scenery looking to use her greatest weapon to snare human prey — her voracious sexuality.” You know what? That sounds just about perfect. Here are some glimpses of said voracity.
You can see a few more shots and some voraciously tight jeans here. As I said, I think ScarJo is ideal for this role. Any trace of wood in her performance can be chalked up to alien behavior. Any trace of wood in the audience can be chalk-nevermind. That being said, I have a weakness for sexy aliens and if she’s looking to impress me, the lovely Miss Johansson would be wise to follow in these possibly webbed footsteps.

Jeff Bridges as The Starman

Morena Baccarin as Anna

David Tennant as The Doctor

Joe Morton as The Brother From Another Planet

Katherine Heigl as Isabel Evans (Oh you may hate her now, but go ahead and deny her hotness then. I dare you.)

Jeff Goldblum as Mac
earth girls.jpg

Famke Jansen as Miss Burke

Chris Hemsworth as Thor (I mean, right? He’s an alien…yeah?)

Susan Oliver as The Orion Slave Girl

David Bowie as Thomas Jerome Newton

Natasha Henstridge as Sil

Michael Dorn as Lt. Worf

Tim Curry as Dr. Frank-N-Furter

Grace Park and Tricia Helfer as Cylons (This is a total cheat. I’m aware.)

Vin Diesel as Riddick

Helen Slater as Supergirl

Billy Dee Williams as Lando

Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine (Born human with just enough Borg in her to count for the list.)

Milla Jovovich as Leeloo

Christopher Reeve as Superman