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Hiccups in the System: 10 Discordancies in the Careers of Hollywood Celebrities

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | February 26, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | February 26, 2015 |

— The screenwriter of Rounders and The Rock’s Walking Tall, Brian Koppelman, is also the same guy who discovered and signed the incredible musicianTracy Chapman.


— The star of Prison Break, Wentworth Miller, also wrote the screenplay for a nifty little Chan-wook Park film, Stoker.


— The villain in Charlie’s Angels and the lead in HBO’s The Leftovers (not to mention, Jennifer Aniston’s boyfriend), Justin Theroux, also co-wrote the screenplays for Tropic Thunder and Iron Man 2.


— Shonda Rhimes, the woman behind Thursday night’s ABC block of dramas — Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder — also wrote the screenplay for Britney Spears’ Crossroads.


— The guy who played Jonathan on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Danny Strong, is also a co-writer and co-creator of Fox’s Empire.


— The directors of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the upcoming Captain America: Civil War also directed the Owen Wilson comedy, You, Me, and Dupree.


— Dan Futterman, the son in Birdcage with Robin Williams, also wrote the Oscar nominated screenplay for Capote and Foxcatcher.


— The actor from 24 and Lost Boys, Keifer Sutherland, discovered and signed to his label the band Lifehouse, best known for their song, “Hanging by a Moment.”

— The guy who wrote The Station Agent, Up, and The Visitor, Tom McCarthy, also played Scott Templeton in The Wire and the asshole step-father in 2012.


— The guy plays Frank Reynolds on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and the Penguin in Batman Returns, Danny Devito, also directed Death to Smoochy and War of the Roses.
