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Heaven Can Wait, We're Only Watching the Skies: Five Things You May Not Have Heard About This Week

By Cindy Davis | Lists | February 26, 2012 |

By Cindy Davis | Lists | February 26, 2012 |

I find the Important Stuff so you don’t have to.

5. NASA’s Cassini Snapped This Wicked Cool Picture of Saturn’s Two Largest Moons, Rhea and Titan. (Rhea in foreground.)


Launched in 1997, space probe Cassini-Huygens has been studying Saturn since 2004 (and Titan, since 2005) as part of a joint European/United States project; you can read all about it here.

4. Kathy Ireland Has Been Declared the Richest Supermodel. Hear that, Tyra? (Wig Wars!)


The mind-boggling statistics according to Forbes magazine: Ireland has been featured in Sports Illustrated thirteen times and has sold over $2 billion in self-named merchandise. The former supermodel turned frighteningly coiffured mogul has branded furniture and home furnishings, workout videos, clothing items, wigs and books. Who is buying this shit? Out yourselves!

3. Kate Winslet Was Awarded an Honorary Cesar Award (French Oscar) for Lifetime Achievement (?). And she wore this:

cesar-film-awards-2012 (1).jpeg

News alert: Hear ye, hear ye, all you French-type people—Kate Winslet is 36 years old! That is not a lifetime. Her lifetime is not over. She is still young. And supremely hot. Please do not attempt to end her career mid-way. Merci beaucoup!

2. David Morrissey Has Signed On to Play The Governor on “The Walking Dead.”


“Red Riding,” “Doctor Who” and “State of Play” standout actor, David Morrissey (The Other Boylen Girl, Hilary and Jackie, The Reaping) will bring his beautiful Britbrand to our little Sunday zombie parade. I won’t get into spoilers about the character (nor should you), but let’s just say it will soon be time for Andrew Lincoln to step up his game.

1. Christian Bale and Viggo Mortensen May Cause World to Explode By Starring Together in Out of the Furnace.


Word on the street is that Christian Bale is set to headline in Director/Writer Scott Cooper’s (Crazy Heart) revenge film, Out of the Furnace. The thriller follows a man (Bale) just released from prison and ready to go clean until he discovers his brother has been murdered. Based on the novel The Low Dweller by Brad Ingelsby, Cooper is going after Viggo Mortensen for the role of Bale’s nemesis, at which point I’m pretty sure the world will explode from too much awesome in one film.

Cindy Davis still gets misty-eyed when she hears Forever Young.