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God, Tapas, And Casey Affleck: What Does Your State Hate Most?

By Kristy Puchko | Lists | August 24, 2017 |

By Kristy Puchko | Lists | August 24, 2017 |

For too long online daters have tried to find love through common interests. Well, the new app Hater says it’s time you find love through common disdains. And through months of hooking people up on based on shared hates, this fiery app has come up with a map of America laying out what each state hates most. And there’s a lot to process here.


First off, of course Louisiana residents hate being the designated driver. That’s a state where drive-thru daiquiris are a thing. (A delicious and decadent thing.)

It’s difficult to make out, so I’m pointing out: New Hampshire hates God. Not Goo. Which makes sense. At first I was like, “what the hell kind of goo is so enraging that a whole state is up in arms?” But God? Yeah, I get that.

Arizona and Anakin Skywalker could date.

Overlords should steer clear of Nevada and Indiana apparently. Also Minnesota.

New Mexico hates White Supremacists “polo shirts.”

“Times Square” is code for “tourists.”

Seems we’ve got a lot of Pajiba readers in Casey Affleck-hating Delaware!

Shocker: It’s not cheese-worshipping Wisconsin that has a problem with biting string cheese. It’s Illinois.

Hey, Middle America, while you were busy forgetting it existed, Rhode Island was giving you all the side-eye!

Colorado and Kansas are apparently trapped in 1998.

Michigan hates Pride and Prejudice, which it’s unclear if that means the Jane Austen book, the BBC mini-series, or the Kiera Knightley-fronted film adaptation. Regardless: