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Hot Women Can't Be Funny? You Bet Sofia Vergara's Sweet *ss They Can.

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | November 22, 2011 |

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | November 22, 2011 |

When reading Emily Nussbaum’s otherwise fantastic piece on Whitney Cummings in “The New Yorker” earlier today, I was struck by a particular passage. Nussbaum wrote, “Cummings has attracted lots of vitriol online, in part because she fits into another subset of female comedians: she’s this year’s sexy-girl hate magnet. Olivia Munn filled that role last year.” Whoa whoa whoa, I just want to make one thing perfectly clear. My disdain for both Cummings and Munn has nothing whatsoever to do with their looks or “sexy” persona. First of all (sophomoric puns on her name aside), I don’t even find Cummings that attractive. However, she’s “supposed” to be sexy, so I’ll let it slide.

Olivia Munn, on the other hand, is objectively attractive. She’s also aggressive about her sexuality, one is hard pressed to find an image of her where she is not half-naked and draped over something. But that’s her prerogative. There is plenty of room in the world for half-naked draped women.

What these women are not, however, is funny. Not pratfall funny, not clever funny, not dry, sardonic funny. Just. Unfunny. And I reserve the right as a woman and as a person with eyeballs to call them out on their lack of talent. It’s not because I’m sexist and it’s not because I’m jealous. Because of course a woman can be sexy and funny and not draw any ire. In fact, I would argue a talented comedian is made that much hotter by her ability to deliver a joke, fall on her ass and execute a well-timed double take. So here, in honor of them, are twelve funny, sexy ladies currently (or soon to be) steaming up your televisions. Enjoy.

Katie Aselton—“The League”

Casey Wilson and Eliza Coupe—“Happy Endings”

Tina Fey—“30 Rock”

Ellie Kemper and Mindy Kaling—“The Office”

Alyson Hannigan—“How I Met Your Mother” (Click here for the wicked hot photo I was too shy to post.)

Sofia Vergara—“Modern Family”
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Busy Phillips—“Cougar Town”

Cobie Smulders—“How I Met Your Mother”

Gillian Jacobs and Alison Brie—“Community” (Same photoshoot, slightly different angle, you guys!)

Joanna Robinson also enjoys non-conventionally attractive lady comedians. But this ain’t about that.