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Every Single Chris Not in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

By Rebecca Pahle | Lists | May 12, 2016 |

By Rebecca Pahle | Lists | May 12, 2016 |

This is it. There are no other Chrises besides these. This is every Chris.

Chris Pine, whom DC got to first
chris pine marvel.jpg

Chris Messina
chris messina marvel chris.gif

Christoph Waltz, aka Der Humpink, who somehow has not played a Marvel villain yet. I know. It’s weird.
christoph waltz der humpink.gif

Kris Kross
kris kross jump jump.gif

Christopher Columbus, the director
christopher columbus harry potter.jpg

Christopher Columbus, the explorer. Look at that face. Cap needs to punch that face the fuck out.

Chris Christie

Chris Martin
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Chris Rock
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Jesus H. CHRISt, who kind of has an Iron Man thing going on with the glowing heart already. Everyone who reads this is going to hell.
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Chris Traeger
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Chris Isaak

That one dude named Chris who was on Glee I think. Remember Glee? That was a weird time. That tanked hard quality-wise, right? Like Heroes hard? I don’t know. I only watched the first five episodes. What is regionals, and did they ever get there?
chris colfer glee.gif

Chris Tucker, but someone needs to release him from Kevin Hart’s basement first.
chris tucker whoop his ass.gif

Chris Hadfield
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Christopher Meloni
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Chris Parker, as played by Elisabeth Shue in Adventures in Babysitting. The best spoken word jazz performer.
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Christopher Lee, who is dead.
christopher lee dracula.gif

Christopher Walken, who is not dead.
christopher walken weapon of choice.gif

Christopher Nolan, whose many fictional wives are dead.
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Christopher Eccleston. Oh, wait, shit, he was in the MCU, wasn’t he? I couldn’t even tell it was him under all that reject LARP Night Elf makeup.
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Christopher Robin
christopher robin silly old bear.gif