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Five Great (Recent) Moments from the Life of Betty White

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | October 6, 2009 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | October 6, 2009 |

No no … Betty White is not dead. But, it’s a slow night, and there were a couple of mentions of Betty White’s greatness in an earlier post, and I thought it’d be fun to put together some of her best movie scenes, or at least the ones featuring Betty White in full-on filthy Grandma mode. Unfortunately, such scenes are scarce on the YouTube. Apparently, no one truly appreciates this woman’s greatness enough to litter the web with videos (sadly, that means no clips from either Lake Placid or Hard Rain).

But, if you’re bored, I did find a few gems, mostly from talk shows. It’s not necessarily her greatest moments, but a decent enough sampling to kill a few minutes on an otherwise dull Tuesday night. Personally, I love the clip from The Proposal, and the video from “The Daily Show” is phenomenal just to see a young Jon Stewart again.

Here’s some memory lane, folks. Stick it in your pipes. And keep fucking that chicken!

Betty White on Craig Ferguson

Betty White on “Boston Legal”

Betty White Behind the Scenes in The Proposal

Betty White on “The Daily Show”

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Betty White
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

Betty White on Chelsea Handler