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A Timeline Of All the Terrible Sh*t That Came Out About the Bill Cosby Case Over the Weekend

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | November 24, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | November 24, 2014 |

The Bill Cosby story is spiraling out of control so fast these days that, trying to update each new, sleazy allegation, comment, or related story would take a full-time intern. So, for maximum impact, let’s cover everything that’s happened in the Cosby case since Friday.


  • Another victim of Bill Cosby’s sexual advances, Louisa Moritz, came forward to tell her account of being sexually assaulted by Cosby on The Tonight Show in 1971. Cosby forced her to perform oral sex on him.

  • Friday night, Seth Rogen spoke to the Cosby allegations on Real Time with Bill Maher, saying Cosby’s behavior was well established within the comedy community, so wasn’t surprised by any of this.

  • During a stage appearance on Friday night, Cosby received a standing ovation at a show in Melbourne, Florida.


  • In an interview with Florida Today, Cosby said he wouldn’t answer to “innuendos.”

    “I know people are tired of me not saying anything, but a guy doesn’t have to answer to innuendos,” he said this weekend. “People should fact check. People shouldn’t have to go through that, and shouldn’t answer to innuendos.”

  • Former NBC employee Frank Scotti admitted that he was Cosby’s “fixer” during his time on The Cosby Show. Scotti purportedly paid off numerous women after Cosby sexually abused them, making $2,000 payments each month to various women under his name. One woman — who claimed that Cosby was the father of her child — was paid $100,000 during the course of the silencing.

  • The Wrap posted a stunningly terrible defense of Bill Cosby written by a shitty, shitty man. The title was originally, “The Rape of Bill Cosby,” and began with the line, “Bill Cosby raped me.” It did not go over well. AT ALL.

  • Garret Dillahunt (Raising Hope, Deadwood) slammed the media on Twitter — including The Wrap — for reprinting — without permission — a Facebook post that his wife, Michelle Hurd, wrote about being inappropriately fondled by Cosby.

  • Eighteen women have come forward now alleging that Bill Cosby raped or sexually assaulted them. Five spoke in detail to the Washington Post about it.


  • Word came out that Cosby has some very weird, specific requests when he appears on David Letterman’s show:

    “He’d include as a request, before he arrived, that the young girls, interns and assistants, all had to gather around in the green room backstage and sit down and watch him eat curry,” our stunned source explains. “No one would say anything, and he would sit silently eating and make us watch and want us to watch.”

    What I want to know is, where the f*ck was Dave, and why didn’t he put a stop to that business?

  • This.