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A Random Collection of Pop Culture Tidbits to Make You Say "Seriously?"

By Jodi Smith | Lists | August 17, 2017 |

By Jodi Smith | Lists | August 17, 2017 |

There is a Clown Motel.

I’ll type between terrified sobs. There is a Clown Motel in Tonopah, Nevada. The rooms have clowns on the doors and the front office is filled with clowns. I don’t know why Satan chose a hotel to unleash Hell on Earth, but he’s an asshole for doing it.

The Corey-led movie License to Drive is getting a remake.

Both Haim and Feldman starred in the 1988 comedy about a kid that fails his driving test but still takes out his girlfriend (Heather Graham) that night, stealing his grandfather’s 1972 Cadillac Sedan de Ville. Producer John Davis (The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Alien vs. Predator) is looking to reboot the flick with the roles reversed. The Coreys will be ladies and the date will probably be a dude. However, the question remains: WHY?

It’s pretty perfect as-is, am I right? Just look at the squint-work Haim is doing.

There is a Gremlins 3 script.

According to Latino Review, Chris Columbus has a script ready to go for the third installment of a franchise that last had a film in 1990. I mean, can we not?

“I’m really proud of the script. It is as twisted and dark as anything, so we’ll see. It’s always a budgetary conversation when we’re going to shoot it. I wanted to go back to the really twisted sensibility of the first movie. I found that was a very easy place for me to fall back into and start writing again so hopefully we’ll see that movie soon.” Read more at: LRM

Planet of the Apes is getting a video game.

Video games based on movies are always super amazing ideas. Andy Serkis’ (Caesar) Imaginarium Studios is partnering with FoxNext Games to bring us a video game that takes place between Dawn and War.

The original E.T. ending has been revealed.

What even—

“The last scene in the movie wasn’t supposed to be the scene that ends up in the movie. The last scene was going to be all of us playing Dungeons and Dragons again, except this time, Elliott’s the dungeon master. Because he was the one that found ET, he sort of got in with the group. And so that was supposed to be the final scene, it was in the script and everything, and then they would pan up to the roof and you’d see the communicator and it’s still working —- in other words, Elliott is still in touch with E.T.. But after they did the score, the music, and they saw what they had with the spaceship taking off and everything [laughs] —- how can you follow that? I mean, it was a wise choice.” - VIA