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Million Ways head 1.jpg

A Million Ways I'd Rather Die Than Watch 'A Million Ways to Die in the West'

By Corey Atad | Lists | May 30, 2014 |

By Corey Atad | Lists | May 30, 2014 |

Given his track record, I was shocked — SHOCKED! — when I actually enjoyed Seth MacFarlane’s first feature film, Ted. I wouldn’t say it was a great film, and it had a lot of the same problems as much of MacFarlane’s work, but the teddy bear/Mark Wahlberg pairing was just charming enough to win me over. Critics mostly agreed, too.

But now MacFarlane has made another film, A Million Way to Die in the West, and let’s just say it doesn’t look good. Okay, more accurately, it looks like the kind of comedy I’d want to avoid at all costs. ALL costs? Yes. All. Including the sweet, merciful release of death. So here I present to you …

A Million Ways I’d Rather Die Than Watch A Million Ways to Die in the West!

1. Death by T-Rex While on the Can

t rex toilet gif.gif

2. Death by Ark of the Covenant

indy face melt.gif

3. Death by Freak Gasoline Fight Accident

gasoline fight.gif

4. Death by BEES, NOT THE BEES! AHHHHH!!!!

nic cage bees.gif

5. Death by Mechanical Shark

nom nom jaws.gif

6. Death by CGI Shark


7. Death by Jumping into Shark Mouth


8. Death by Sharknado


9. Death by Tornado


10. Death by Toronto


11. Death by Choosing Poorly


12. Death by Over-Acting

overactingkarategirl.gif karategirl2.gif
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13. Death by Surprise Throwing Star

throwing star.gif

14. Death by Head Smash


15 - 1,000,000. Death by Crossing the Street


You didn’t think I would actually do a million of these, did you?

You can follow Corey Atad on Twitter, or listen to his Mad Men podcast, Not Great, Pod!