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8 Wes Anderson Characters With Highly Enviable Wardrobes

By Nadia Chaudhury | Lists | March 7, 2014 |

By Nadia Chaudhury | Lists | March 7, 2014 |

With Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel out in select theaters today (to find your newest location, find the closest vintage scarf shop), I decided to pick out the best dressed characters from each of his eight movies so far. Look at how pretty they look!

Dignan from Bottle Rocket
Really just because of this shirt.

Max Fischer from Rushmore
The only reason I wish my schools required uniforms. And the first time I fell in love with Jason Schwartzman.

Margot Tenenbaum from The Royal Tenenbaums
She is Suzy Bishop, all grown-up (see below)

Steve Zissou from The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Red hat + blue uniform + beard = winning combination.

Peter Whitman from The Darjeeling Limited
Skinny suits and indoor sunglasses.

Mrs. Fox from Fantastic Mr. Fox
While Mr. Fox wears dapper suits, it’s Mrs. Fox that pulls off patterns and brooches.

Suzy Bishop from Moonrise Kingdom
She is Margot, before living more experiences.

M. Gustave from The Grand Budapest Hotel
Purple suits need to become a thing.

Nadia Chaudhury needs Suzy Bishop’s dresses now.