By Joanna Robinson | Lists | January 31, 2012 |
By Joanna Robinson | Lists | January 31, 2012 |
Any actor worth his or her salt has played a villain at some point. You can’t be a great actor if all you’ve ever mustered is baked apples and sunshine. Some have a better knack for it than others. Some do it so well that even when they return to “normal/heroic/heartthrobic” roles, they still make the hair stand up on the back of your neck…and not in the good way. The following folks are responsible for making you jump, squirm, squick and shake. They’re the reason you leap out of bed when something goes bump in the night. Well we want you to rest easy this evening. So tuck in while these harmless visions of psychopaths and serial killers dance in your head. They can’t hurt you now.
Ralph Fiennes (aka Amon Goeth aka Francis Dolarhyde aka Harry aka He Who Shall Not Be Named) practically singing in the rain.
Gary Oldman (aka Dracula aka Lee Harvey Oswald aka Stansfield aka Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg) in a teeny little pilot uniform.
Ian McDiarmid (aka Senator Palpatine aka Supreme Chancellor Palpatine aka Emperor Palpatine) having a nice cuddle with a naked Michael Fassbender.
Jessica Lange (aka Tamora aka Martha Baring aka Big Edie aka Constance Langdon) letting Sam Shepard win at a game of “who’s got your nose?”
Robert Englund (aka Freddy Krueger) wearing a far-out headband. At least he fared better than Jamie Lee Curtis.
Christoph Waltz (aka Col. Hans Landa aka Chudnofsky aka August aka Cardinal Richelieu) in his striped jim jams.
Alan Rickman (aka Hans Gruber aka the Sheriff of Nottingham aka Prof. Severus Snape) precipitously close to giving you an up skirt shot.
Bette Davis (aka Baby Jane) and Joan Crawford (Mommie Dearest in the flesh) having a laugh.
Willem Dafoe (aka Max Schreck aka The Green Goblin aka I Never Want To Talk About Antichrist Again) basking in the glory that is SWINTON.
Christopher Walken (aka Gabriel aka Bobby Cahn aka Max Shrek aka The Hessian Horseman) striking his best “Tiger Beat” pose.
Michael Emerson (aka Ben Linus) displaying his champion pumpkin…that he carved…with a kn-LET’S MOVE ALONG.
Peter Stormare (aka a Nihilist aka Gaear Grimsrud aka Serge Muscat) having a tussle with some luchadores.
Tony Todd (aka the Candyman) snuggling a fan.
Daniel Day Lewis (aka Daniel Plainview aka Bill “The Butcher” Cutting) in a sweet little sailor suit.
Helena Bonham Carter (aka Bellatrix Lestrange aka The Red Queen) positively swimming in a t-shirt.
Bela Lugosi (oh, all of them) looking straight pimping.
Christopher Lee (all the other ones) with some silly nonsense on his face.
Ian McShane (aka Al Swearengen aka Tai Lung aka Waleran Bigod aka Blackbeard) dripping with kittens.
Dennis Hopper (aka Howard Payne aka King Koopa aka Frank Booth) caught in a giggle loop with Sean Penn.
Javier Bardem (aka Anton Chigurh) with a puppy and a baby. I mean. COME ON.
Vincent Price (all the ones Lugosi and Lee failed to cover) goofing off with Kermit.
Jack Nicholson (aka Frank Costello aka Col. Nathan R. Jessup aka Daryl Van Horne aka The Joker) flashing some fancy footwear.
John Malkovich (aka Vicomte Sébastien de Valmont aka Mitch Leary aka Cyrus ‘The Virus’ Grissom) flashing something even fancier.
Glenn Close (aka Patty Hewes aka Cruella de Vil aka Marquise Isabelle de Merteuil aka Alex Forrest) with a mouthful of carrots which I think is cute, but you may think is creepy so…
…I’ll leave you with this. Glenn and Woody doing an amazing job making us not miss the 90s.