By Dustin Rowles | Lists | June 8, 2012 |
By Dustin Rowles | Lists | June 8, 2012 |
I wish that HBO’s “Girls” were not running concurrently with two shows that have been sucking a lot of the air out of the room, “Mad Men” and “Game of Thrones,” because after some initial criticisms, “Girls” has overcome them all. It is without a doubt the best comedy on television now. Or this year. Or last. Some of the concerns that were raised after the first couple of episodes have been addressed, and most of the others have simply become irrelevant because the show has managed to take us to some dark, hilarious, uncomfortable, and sexually charged places that has rendered all those previous quibbles moot. If you bailed after the first couple of episodes, I encourage you to start again. The show has done nothing less than blow me away during the last few weeks.
One of the issues that was raised early on was that “Girls” is basically “Sex and the City” for a younger generation. One, that’s bullshit, and two, that’s bullshit. Many men must have assumed that, because of initial reviews, and because of the show’s title, that it might not appeal to them. Sexist meatheads have also launched an all out war against “Girls” in comment threads all over the Internet (mentioning “Girls” in certain circles is the easiest way to invite the use of the c-word with which I feel uncomfortable using, though the characters in “Girls” would not).
Personally, I think it’s time that the sexist meatheads revisited the show. There’s a lot here that they are missing. Things that would probably appeal to them. It’s not just a show for belly-gazing millennial females who expect to have the world handed to them. If you watch “Girls” at the right angle, it can appeal to sexist assholes, too.
Here’s 20 Reasons Why Sexist Meatheads Should Love HBO’s “Girls”
1. Adam Sackler: He’s like one of you, only more artistic. He’s kind of like a cross between Beavis and Raffi from “The League.” He masturbates in front of women. He’s mildly psychotic, and he thinks it’s funny to pee on his girlfriend.
2. It’ll Teach You How to Better Communicate with Your Sister
3. You Can Pick Up Some Great Bike-Riding Tips
4. There’s Great Window Views
5. It’ll Provide You with Dance Tips Even a Meathead Can Master
6. The Nice Sensitive Guy Doesn’t Win
7. Until He Turns Into a Meathead
8. You Don’t Wear Plaid, Do You?
9. Gratuitous Nudity PLUS Amazing Reaction Shots
10. Look! Meatheads Are Well Represented
11. The Show Features Sex Tips from Other Meatheads
12. And Great Exercise Tips!
13. The Only Difference Between Jessa and an Apatow Character is Her Vagina
14. You Will Learn Some Great Pick-Up Lines
15. Bro! Bro! Dead Baby Jokes Are Right in a Meathead’s Wheelhouse
16. Meatheads Like This Sort of Thing, Right? I Mean, Any Heterosexual Male Would
17. This Too, Right?
18. And This?
19. I’m Pretty Sure that Even Meatheads Love Eye Candy. Let Me Introduce You to Jemima Kirke
20. And Allison Williams
I rest my case.