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Ewan McGregor, Alison Brie, Brie Larson, Rashida Jones and Other Celebs Weigh in on 'Serial'

By Dustin Rowles | Serial | February 10, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Serial | February 10, 2015 |

During the Sundance Film Festival, Vanity Fair reporter Kristen Smith asked all the celebrities that came through for their interviews their thoughts on Sarah Koenig’s Serial podcast. A few had never heard of it (Keanu Reeves, Danny McBride), a few have only listened to a few episodes, but there are some — Brie Larson, Chris Pine, and Ewan McGregor — who are as obsessed with it as many of the rest of us, and they weigh in on whether Adnan Syed is guilty or not.

In particular, I’m thrilled with how into the podcast that Ewan McGregor — who actually donated to season two campaign — is. ONE OF US.

Meanwhile, in case you hadn’t heard, Adnan was granted an appeal over the weekend, the first of many steps in a very slow process that may eventually lead to a retrial.

Source: Vanity Fair via Joanna