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Watch The Fantastic '50 Shades of Grey' Sketch Inexplicably Cut From This Week's 'SNL'

By Grainger Heavensbee | Saturday Night Live | March 3, 2015 |

As Dustin already noted, Saturday Night Live wasn’t very good this week, despite the presence of an otherwise strong host in Dakota Johnson, who got fucked harder by the writing staff at SNL than she ever was by Jamie Dornan.

However, there was one sketch that SNL inexplicably cut, choosing instead to run a very tame Fifty Shades of Grey with a kid interviewing Johnson about her movie that ended up being a huge, missed opportunity.

They didn’t miss an opportunity, however, with this sketch, which sees Anastasia Steele entering her “New Playroom,” while it’s still under construction, which gives her an opportunity to have awkward conversations with the construction workers mounting her spank boards, drilling her weiner holes, and installing a series of butt contraptions.