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The Tina and Amy Hosted 'SNL' Was the Best 2004 'SNL' Episode of 2015!

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | December 20, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | December 20, 2015 |

Last night’s Saturday Night Live, hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler (with a few appearances from Maya Rudolph) was largely dominated by the hosts, which is fine! We love Tina and Amy! It’s hard to escape the feeling, however, that the episode felt more like a 2004 episode than a 2015 episode, except when we think of Tina and Amy (and Maya) on SNL, we only remember the great sketches. This was like a typical 2004 episode of SNL, which is to say: Average, with a couple of highlights we may remember 10 years from now. Mostly, though, it was a forgettable episode but for the fact that Tina and Amy were hosting.

GOP Debate Cold Open — Darrell Hammond cameos as Trump, so that Taran Killam can move over and play Cruz now that Cruz is a viable GOP contender, but mostly this sketch was about making fun of poor, sad Jeb(!) Bush. It’s OK. (Score: 5/10)

Tina Fey & Amy Poehler Christmas Mash-Up Monologue — Tina Fey and Amy Poehler showcase their different personalities by performing a Christmas song featuring sections they each wrote. The monologue is typical of the entire night with Tina and Amy: It’s more endearing than funny. We love them, they’re having a good time, so the rest of us will go along. Is it hilarious? No, not really. But it’s Tina and Amy, right?! (Score: 7/10)

A Hillary Christmas — Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) gets a visit from 2008’s Hillary Clinton (Amy Poehler) and Sarah Palin (Tina Fey). It’s the sketch we all wanted, it’s the sketch we knew they’d do, and it’s the sketch that plays out almost exactly like we’d imagined it would. (Score: 7/10)

Meet Your Second Wife — Hosts Helen Walsh (Amy Poehler) and Tina Fey introduce three contestants (Bobby Moynihan, Taran Killam, Kenan Thompson) to their future second wives. I don’t want to ruin the punchline, because the punchline is great (although, at least one idiot thought it was offensive). (Score: 7/10)

Hoverboards — If you hate walking and love fire, the hoverboard is for you. Eh. Needs more Amy and Tina. (Score: 4/10)

Movie Set With Tina Fey & Amy Poehler — A former acting coach on The Jeffersons (Kenan Thompson) gives two actresses (Tina Fey, Amy Poehler) terrible notes on a scene. A recurring sketch that may have worked better the first time, but it’s sure nice to see Tina and Amy act foolish, right? (Score: 6/10)

Weekend Update — The last “Update” of the year was affable, but not particularly noteworthy. “Somebody’s Mom Deenie” (Kate McKinnon) stopped by to give a recap of daytime television drama, which was mostly amusing for McKinnon’s attempts to do a sketch while eating baked salmon. Tina and Amy also stop by to deliver the last two jokes and a nice shot of nostalgia. (Score: 6/10)

If you want to skip “Update” and just watch Amy and Tina deliver the last two jokes, you can watch that here.

Special Offer — Chad and Victoria Douglas (Taran Killam, Vanessa Bayer) share Christmas highlights from their variety show. Maya Rudolph also stops by to drunkenly sing “Partridge in a Pear” tree. Again, the fun in the sketch is not so much the sketch itself as it is in seeing Maya Rudolph again. (Score: 6/10)

Tina & Amy’s Dope Squad — Tina Fey and Amy Poehler introduce a reporter (Aidy Bryant) to their squad, which includes nannies, a gynecologist and Amy Schumer. The best segment of the night. (Score: 8/10)

Bronx Beat — Appropriately, the night ended with a sketch with no current cast members. (Score: 6/10)