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Can Sam Rockwell Host 'SNL' Every Week, Because He Was Spectacular

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | January 14, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | January 14, 2018 |


Morning Joe Cold Open — The Sam Rockwell hosted SNL kicks off with a fairly fun Morning Joe cold open, and in a case where Twitter ends up casting SNL, they fetched Fred Armisen to play Michael Wollff, per the Internet’s suggestion. He’s perfect: “Even the stuff [in the book] that’s not true? It’s true.” Basically. Steve Bannon also appears in his Grim Reaper get-up, pulls it off, and viola: It’s Bill motherfucking Murray. It is funny? DOES IT MATTER. It’s Bill Murray. We finally know who has been under the Grim Reaper all this time (I am imagining that it was always Murray). Bannon, far from dead, is already working on his next campaign: Logan Paul 2020! Oprah (Leslie Jones) also shows up because SNL wants to squeeze all the week’s political headlines into the Cold Open. (Watch Here) (Score: 6.5 out of 10)

Sam Rockwell Monologue — Sam Rockwell, having won an award at the Golden Globes last week, believes that he’s transcended his character actor status and become a leading man. Also, he FINALLY does what he was meant to do at the Golden Globes: He dances. SAM ROCKWELL DANCE ALERT. (Score: 10 out of 10. Make that 11 out of 10, because he does the splits).

Science Room — Sam Rockwell plays a Mr. Wizard type doing a science experiment with two kids who, it turns out, are incredibly dumb. There’s a lot more life in that premise that you’d think (also, Rockwell hilariously let’s slip an F-bomb that is not bleeped because we live in a post-Trump world). (Score: 7.5 out of 10)

Tucci Gang — Sam Rockell plays Stanley Tucci in a music video about how awesome Stanley Tucci is, which makes this a post about how awesome that sketch about how awesome Stanley Tucci is. I think we can all agree that Stanley Tucci is awesome. (Score: 8.5 out of 10)

E! The Look — Great sketch, which sees E! correspondents grapple with being a progressive #MeToo network that engages in a lot of programming that doesn’t exactly suit the message that women are strong and independent. Also, Kate McKinnon appears as Frances McDormand. It’s a smart sketch that also knows to bail before it runs out of material. (Watch Here) (Score: 7 out of 10)

My Drunk Boyfriend — 150 pounds of dead weight “designed to mimic the behavior of the grown man you can’t get enough of.” I’m also embarrassed by how similar Drunk Me is to Drunk Boyfriend. SNL is on fire tonight. (Score: 8 out of 10)

Weekend Update — There was no shortage of Trump material for Che and Jost this week, and they were good, even if it was like hitting a ball off a tee (although, the Kushner joke kills). Stedman and Oprah (Leslie Jones) also show up with Oprah suggesting she may run for President if only to get white women back into shape. Aidy Bryant also appears to talk about the pay disparity between Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams, and wow! SNL is not shying away from political or cultural politics tonight. “It would be so cool if it didn’t take a week long public shaming to do the right thing.” I think that Jost’s hair is bigger and he’s more confident this week, too, now that he’s ScarJo official. (Score: 8.5 out of 10)

Captain Hook — Sam Rockwell plays Captain Hook (from Peter Pan) and asks, “Is it weird in this climate to be asking all these young boys to hang out with me?” Funny idea, but the sketch kind of, uh, peters out. (Watch Here) (Score: 4 out of 10)

ATM — A short film … you know what? I’m not touching this one. It’s good, though. (Score: 7.5 out of 10)

Gay Porn Son — A guy brings his boyfriend — a gay porn star — home to bring his parents, and the conservative father can’t get past the feeling that he’s seen him somewhere. Short with a surprisingly funny (albeit predictable) punchline. (Watch Here) (Score: 6 out of 10)

Dog Head Guy — It’s all in the performance of the dog, folks. It’s all about the dog. (Watch here) (Score: 5.5 out of 10)

Chantix — Meh. (Watch Here) (Score: 4 out of 10)