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On SNL's Last Cold Open Before the Election, Baldwin and McKinnon GOTV

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | November 6, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | November 6, 2016 |

SNL’s last cold open before the election, like much of the election coverage at this point, is a rehash of the last couple of weeks: Putin, FBI, emails, KKK, media, etc. Nothing new is breaking through. The sketch doesn’t really go anywhere until Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon break character and run around Times Square to hug people in an effort to offset the amount of toxicity in our country right now.

In the end, they follow it up with a plea to the audience to vote, adding “We can’t tell you who to vote for.” The implication is obvious, but why the hell don’t they just come right out and say “Vote for Hillary”?

Anyway, it’s not a particularly funny cold open, but it is well-intentioned and appreciated.

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