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Alec Baldwin Puts Aside His 'Agony' To Play Trump Again in This Week's 'SNL'

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | March 3, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | March 3, 2018 |


While SNL is airing, I typically like to post the best skit of the night ahead of the morning’s full recap. Halfway through the show, it’s the cold open, which speaks more to the quality of the rest of the show and less to how good the cold open is (It’s not that great).

Despite saying that playing the character is “agony” for Alec Baldwin, he has returned to impersonate the President and equivocate on the Second Amendment. “Maybe we should just take guns away from everyone. Including the whites.” On the mass resignations: “Jared Kushner is probably the hottest chick left in the White House, and he’s probably going to jail.” On tariffs: “I said I would run this country like a business, and that business is a Waffle House at 2 a.m.”

That’s actually pretty accurate.

Kate McKinnon also shows up late as Jeff Sessions. All in all, not a bad cold open — Baldwin hit all the week’s highlights and got a few decent digs in at the Prez — but not a great one, either. Not that it really needs to be said, but Baldwin really needs to hang it up as Trump. The only reason he’s worthwhile is that it upsets Trump.

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