By Petr Navovy | reddit | March 14, 2023 |
By Petr Navovy | reddit | March 14, 2023 |
Quite apart from the actual taste of some food, what can really influence whether you like it or not is the texture. It’s a delicate, sensitive dance, that the two qualities engage in. Some stuff tastes great but has a lousy texture to it. Other things have a delightful texture and taste horrific. Sometimes, you get a beautiful synergy, and the stars line up, and all is well when both taste and texture sing from the same glorious hymn sheet. And, on the flip side, there are times when the gates of hell are flung open and the opposite is true.
Case in point: Mushrooms.
Anyway, on that note, we have an AskReddit thread that dives into this exact topic, asking the question: ‘Which food has the worst texture?’ You can check out the full thread here, but below are some highlights: