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Twitter Has Spoken: #FilmHerStory Demands More Female Protagonists

By Kristy Puchko | Popular | March 4, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Popular | March 4, 2015 |

When it comes to Hollywood movies, representation can be boiled down to a pale sausage fest dominated by straight white dudes. And hey, we love straight white dudes. But as an audience we could totally stand to have more movies about ANYTHING else.

Apparently the Pajiba staff isn’t alone on this as #FilmHerStory is gaining momentum. In celebration of Women’s History Month, people are using the hashtag as a means to share incredible true stories of women that could make for great films! Here’s just a few we’d be game to see:

But there’s plenty more where that came from.

As someone who’s had the pleasure of writing on the lesser known tales of history’s heroines (and anti-heroines), I’ve often marveled at how few have gotten movie adaptations. What this hashtag succinctly shows is just how rich women’s stories are. It’s not just about better representation for women in film. It’s about the possibility for outstanding cinema…that’d happen to have women at their center.

Why in 2015 is this still so damn revolutionary?

Kristy Puchko is not so much an angry feminist as an exhausted one.