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Your Weird Uncle Donald Is On the Twitters Again

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 28, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 28, 2018 |


Thanksgiving is over, but your weird Uncle Donald is not done making things awkward at America’s breakfast table this morning, tweeting and retweeting out a bunch of random shit that he probably saw a bunch of senile, old racists sharing on social media.

The “disgusting Fake News” has only one source on this, and that source is this Tweet, and this Tweet is informed by Trump’s conversations with a man who has lied so much to Bob Mueller that his plea deal got pulled.

Uncle Don also found MeMaw’s Facebook page. MeMaw lost all her teeth when she was 40, but she still dips snuff; at least she spits it into a Dixie cup wrapped in paper towels before she asks her grandchildren for a kiss.

YEAH. Take that, General Motors!

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Oh, wait. It did pay back the bailout.

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You really love retweeting this Fan Account, huh, Uncle Donald? Did you bother to fact check it at all? Because that figure comes from a 2017 Facebook post about Canada. From The Washington Post:

That $3,874 figure has been floating around. It appears to stem from a Facebook post in 2017, showing documentation of an initial payment to new residents in a country. But the payment wasn’t to an undocumented immigrant, it was to a refugee who was participating in a resettlement program. Actually, to a family of five refugees.

And the payment wasn’t in the United States. It was in Canada.

Uh, this is a parody account, Uncle Donald.

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This is months’ old conservative attack, retweeted from a month-old tweet, refers to an interview in which Hillary Clinton was making fun of the interviewer for confusing Eric Holder and Cory Booker and who the hell cares what Hillary Clinton says anymore, except for Uncle Don?

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Now he wants to impose a chicken tax on all autos?

From Business Insider:

If Trump does go through such a move, it would likely cause a huge amount of damage to the US economy.

According to a study from the Peterson Institute of International Economics, a 25% auto tariff would cause auto production in the US to fall by 1.5% over three years and result in a net loss of 195,000 jobs in that same timeframe.

So instead of limiting the loss of jobs to GM’s 15,000 jobs, he would increase it to 195,000 lost jobs?

Cool! If Trump imposes a chicken tax on all autos, we’ll only be down 194,400 jobs! Also, Steel Dynamics’ stock dropped 9 percent today because the decision to build this new plant is premised on the idea that Trump’s steel tariffs will still exist in 2021, when the plant opens, but if Trump loses the 2020 election, steel tariffs will be lifted, flooding the U.S. with cheaper steel, making this new plant less valuable.