By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 26, 2020 |
By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 26, 2020 |
The CDC has quietly issued revised guidelines, and you’re going to want to grab a beer, or a CBD gummy, a joint, or a Xanax for this. The CDC is recommending that those without symptoms not be tested, and that includes those who have been in close contact with infected people.
In other words, if your significant other tested positive for COVID-19, there’s no need for you to get tested if you are symptomatic, even if you almost certainly have it. Why? Because that would result in another reported infection, and more reported infections make Dear Leader look bad.
And yes: This order came from the top. From CNN:
A sudden change in federal guidelines on coronavirus testing came this week as a result of pressure from the upper ranks of the Trump administration, a federal health official close to the process tells CNN.“It’s coming from the top down,” the official said of the new directive from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … the new directive also lines up with a trend in policy and rhetoric from the White House. President Donald Trump has repeatedly suggested the US should do less testing.
Cool, cool, cool.
Forty percent of people with coronavirus infections are asymptomatic and the chance of transmission from people with no symptoms is 75%, according to … the CDC last month.
— Sabrina Siddiqui (@SabrinaSiddiqui) August 26, 2020
Destroying the credibility of the CDC during a pandemic is one of the scandals that history will remember. Because it costs lives.
— Neera -Wear a Mask -Tanden (@neeratanden) August 26, 2020
The CDC is now stating that asymptomatic people do not need to be tested for coronavirus. The way this administration has hijacked the CDC and the FDA is horror film scary.
— 💫✨ (@TheJessieWoo) August 26, 2020
So many disasters during the Trump presidency.
— Brian O'Sullivan (@osullivanauthor) August 26, 2020
But the fact that they've politicized medicine, science, and now the CDC, will forever be unforgivable.
It has taken Trump less than four years to completely destroy the credibility of the federal government. Nothing agencies like the CDC recommend can be taken at face value anymore.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 26, 2020
Sixty-eight days until the election. Please request your mail-in ballots now.