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Why Did They Sing "Na Na Na Na, Hey-Hey-Hey Goodbye" on the House Floor?

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 4, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 4, 2017 |

So, Trumpcare passed the House today by one vote. Republican Darrell Issa was the decisive vote, in case you folks in California need a little motivation in 2018.

It’s a short-term victory for the Republicans and Donald Trump, but it’s still got to pass the Senate, where there’s a much smaller margin for error. If two Republicans flip, it dies. Still, Trump is celebrating. There’s literally cases of beer being trucked into the White House, and Trump is going to be horrific on Twitter over the next few days.

So, why were they singing “Na Na Na Na, Hey-Hey-Hey Goodbye” on the House Floor?

If you’re like me, many of you probably initially thought it was a particularly cruel way for the Republicans to celebrate gutting Obamacare and endangering the lives of millions.

But it wasn’t the Republicans. It was the Democrats. Why?

Because they believe the Republicans just gave away the House in 2018. They believe that they’re going to be able to hang this over the GOP in the midterms, and crush them. I hope they’re right.

More than that, however, it was a callback to what the GOP did to the Democrats in 1993 when Clinton’s tax bill passed in the House. They thought it was a death knell for the Democratic majority. They were accurate. The Democrats were crushed in 1994.

Let’s hope for a repeat of that in 2018.