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What Does Public Service Mean to You, Ted Cruz?

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 18, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 18, 2021 |


What does service even mean to a guy like Ted Cruz? I’m not saying that a guy like Joe Biden is anywhere near perfect, and I won’t say that he hasn’t benefited greatly from his decades in politics, but the man is a lifelong public servant. President Obama was a public servant. Bill Clinton was a public servant. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A public servant. Beto O’Rourke? Public servant. Bernie Sanders? Lifelong public servant.

Being a public servant does not mean you don’t collect a paycheck. It doesn’t mean you can’t amass power, influence, and money — those things tend to accrue to good public servants — but it does mean serving the public. The whole idea is to serve one’s constituents. It means being there when needed. It means showing up, or making phone calls, or offering comfort. It means trying to at least feign some empathy.

You know being a public servant does not mean? Jumping on your plane with your family and flying to Cancun during one of the hardest weeks in the history of your state, when millions are without power and water, when they’re stuck inside or living in shelters because their apartment complex burned down when someone tried to light a fire because they didn’t have any heat (an actual thing that happened in Texas).

This is not being a public servant, y’all:

You could have had this guy, Texas? But Republicans got wrapped up in some weird ideas about meatless burgers.

There’s a lot of Ted Cruzes in Texas, though, aren’t there?

I mentioned this the other day on Twitter, and it’s worth mentioning again: It’s not the fault of “Texas.” Don’t blame Texas. There are more Democrats in Texas than in the entire population of Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and Rhode Island combined. There are more Democrats in Texas than in any other state other than California or New York. But we need to make more. Texas politicians right now are probably helping our cause more than any registration drive could.

To wit: I heard from folks back in Arkansas that they received a foot of snow this week. That’s a decade’s worth of snow for Arkansas. This is Texarkana, one of those novelty cities that is halfway in Texas and halfway in Arkansas. Don’t this just say everything?