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Goddamn Hillbilly Is Breaking My Heart

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 12, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 12, 2017 |

Yesterday was the final day of the Roy Moore campaign for Senate, and after hiding out from the media for the better part of the last month, he held one last rally in Alabama. How’d that go?

Well, let’s see: Roy Moore’s wife came and said that they can’t be anti-Semitic because “one of our attorneys is a Jew.”

Then Moore brought out an old war buddy from Vietnam, who talked about the time they went to a Vietnamese brothel with child prostitutes and Roy Moore and his friend felt uncomfortable and left.

Steve Bannon also spoke. He took a shot at Ivanka.

Then, in my favorite moment from the rally, Steve Bannon bragged about going to Georgetown and Harvard and mocked Joe Scarborough because he couldn’t get into a better school.

Joe Scarborough went to the University of Alabama.

And that was Roy Moore’s closing argument to Alabama. Meanwhile, Bama native Charles Barkley came out to speak for Doug Jones to try to save Alabama from Roy Moore:

I also saw that Connie Britton tweeted out a video in support of Jones, which is a bigger thing than you might think considering the popularity of Nashville down South.

But let me tell you something: I don’t know if Doug Jones has a shot in hell at this. But if he pulls out a narrow victory tonight in Alabama, I’m going to give a lot of credit to this old coot who nervously rebukes Roy Moore for calling gays and lesbians “preverts.” His daughter was a lesbian, and she died by suicide at the age of 23, and this old fella, who is a peanut farmer by the name of Nathan Mathis, held up a picture of his daughter and asks, “How is my daughter a pervert just because she was gay?”

“I was anti-gay myself,” he said. “I said some bad things about my daughter, which I regret, but I can’t take back what I said about my daughter but saying stuff like my daughter is a pervert, I’m sure that bothered her. You know, Judge Moore was not just talking about my daughter. He said all gay people are perverts. Abominations. We don’t need a person like that representing us in Washington.”

Not only is that goddamn hillbilly breaking my heart, but I haven’t felt this homesick in a decade.

I looked up in our referrals yesterday to see how many readers we get from Alabama. More than I might have imagined, mostly in Birmingham and Mobile and Tuscaloosa. I hope you guys get out to the polls today. Do it to honor Patty Sue Mathis, the daughter of Nathan.