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Twitter's Wholesale Rejection of Donald Trump's Speech Was Oddly Comforting

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 22, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 22, 2016 |

For a few minutes after that nice old man got up and gave a wedding toast about Donald Trump last night, after Peter Thiel preached tolerance, and after Ivanka Trump gave her terrific speech about an amazing Democratic candidate named Donald Trump who doesn’t exist in the real world, there was a small part of me that worried that Trump might pull this off. That he’d go quickly to the center, use his convention speech to preach compassion, and somehow peel off enough independents and Democrats to win in November.

Then Donald Trump got up and spoke. It was a hostile, angry, xenophobic, pandering, racist, fear-mongering diatribe. It was terrifying, and though it seemed like it ran until 3 a.m., I couldn’t make myself go to sleep until I’d watched enough news coverage and read enough Tweets to ensure that I wasn’t crazy: That the speech actually was bad. I needed validation. I needed to read as many Tweets rejecting Donald Trump as I possibly could, because I needed to know that I was not alone.

Twitter did not disappoint.

Here’s some of the most comforting rejections to Donald Trump’s speech last night, starting with Bernie.