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There Is No Body Double Melania Trump Conspiracy Because We Can't Have Any Fun

By Courtney Enlow | Politics | October 19, 2017 |

By Courtney Enlow | Politics | October 19, 2017 |

Yesterday, every member of the internet was handed a tinfoil hat and a map to that one pizza restaurant because it was CONSPIRACY O’CLOCK. It all started when Twitter user Joe Vargas made a shocking revelation. You know, if you can’t trust someone with the Twitter name “” who can you trust?

Looking at the side-by-side images, which I admittedly stared at for quite some time, I mean…the lips are kind of different, I guess? Which probably just means there was some tightening that occurred more recently than the other photo. But Joe was convinced and Donald Trump in all his best-wordsliness didn’t help matters.

Tragically, there was no such fake Melania. Photos from the same event showed her sans sunglasses from different angles and it’s her. And as the story got traction, Joe kept firm on his stance, but also got entrepreneurial on our asses, showing that just maybe his intentions aren’t pure.

But in the interim, Twitter had SO MUCH FUN. Fun that was robbed from us by the stupid dumb truth. Boring.

Dammit, universe, can you just be cool for, like, a SECOND and let us play the fun body double conspiracy game? GAWD.