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Twitter Reacts To The Democratic Presidential Debate

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | October 14, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | October 14, 2015 |

Last night presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton, Facebook timeline dominator Bernie Sanders and three other guys you just found out were were running (human thumb Jim Webb, penetrative starer Martin O’Malley, and Lincoln “It Was My First Day” Chafee) fielded questions from silver fox/national treasure Anderson Cooper for the first Democratic Presidential Debate of the 2016 race for the White House.

Here’s how Twitter reacted:

On Clinton:

On Sanders:

On Webb:

On O’Malley:

On Chafee:

Conservative candidate Mike Huckabee actually started getting more attention than three of the five Democrats on national television by tweeting racist garbage:

Kristy Puchko lives in perpetual fear that ice cream will become self-aware New York City.